Let’s build a single binary gRPC server-client with Rust in 2020

The Rust logo plus the gRPC logo

There are plenty of resources for the basics of Rust and for protocol buffers + gRPC, so I don’t want to waste your time with heavy introductions. I want to bring you to action as soon as possible.

If you’re here I’ll make a few assumptions about you.

Goals for the post🔗

My goal is to walk through writing a small async Rust CLI application. It will take user input from a client, send it to a remote gRPC server, and return output to the client.

The finished code is available in my rust-examples repo, as cli-grpc-tonic-blocking. But I encourage you to follow along, as I will narrate changes while I make them.

What are we writing?🔗

In this example, I will be writing a remote command-line server/client.

The client will take in a command line command and send it to the server who will execute the command and send back the contents of standard out.

Block diagram with our actors User, Client and Server. Data flows from user to client, then server before looping back.
Diagram of the interaction we'll be working with

For simplicity sake, this example will wait for the execution to complete on the server side before returning output. In a future post I will demonstrate how to stream output back to a client.

I will show you how to:

  1. Parse command line user input
  2. Write protocol buffer message types and service interfaces
  3. Compile protocol buffers into Rust code
  4. Implement a gRPC client
  5. Implement a gRPC server (non-streaming)
  6. Use basic async/await patterns

Bigger picture goals🔗

This is not just a simple Hello World.

I want to provide an example with a realistic application as a foundation. It has potential to be used for something useful, but keep in mind, this example is just a basic script runner and is not secure.

A more complex diagram to illustrate how the user, client, server interaction scales. One user, one client, many servers.
This configuration is possible but out of scope

One could run multiple instances of this server on multiple hosts and use the client to run shell commands on each of them similar to continuous integration tools like jenkins, puppet, or ansible. (Hot take: CI is just fancy shell scripting anyway)

I do not recommend running this code as-is in any important environment. For demonstrative and educational purposes only!

Writing the command line interface🔗

The Bourne again shell (BASH) logo

The command line interface is the foundation that will allow us to package our gRPC server and client into the same binary. We’re going to start our new crate with the CLI first.

$ cargo new cli-grpc-tonic-blocking
    Created binary (application) `cli-grpc-tonic-blocking` package
$ cd cli-grpc-tonic-blocking

We will use a crate called StructOpt. StructOpt utilizes the Clap crate which is a powerful command line parser. But Clap can be a little complicated to use, so StructOpt additionally provides a lot of convenient functionality Rust a #[derive] attribute so we don’t have to write as much code.


name = "cli-grpc-tonic-blocking"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["T.J. Telan <t.telan@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018

structopt = "0.3"

In order to bundle our client and server together, we will want to use our CLI to switch between running as a client or running as a server.

Some UI design for the CLI🔗

Note: While we are in development you can use cargo run -- to run our cli binary, and any arguments after the -- is passed as arguments to our binary

Starting the server🔗

When we start our server, we want to pass in the subcommand server

$ cargo run -- server
Optional arguments for the server🔗

Most of the time our server will listen to a default address and port, but we want to give the user the option to pick something different.

We will provide the option for the server listening address in a flag --server-addr-listen

Using the client🔗

When the user runs a command from our client, we want to use the subcommand run.

$ cargo run -- run
Required positional arguments for the client🔗

Anything after the subcommand run will be the command we pass to the server to execute. A command has an executable name and optionally also arguments.

$ cargo run -- <executable> [args]

Or to illustrate with how one would use this command w/o cargo if it were named remotecli:

$ remotecli run <executable> [args]
Optional arguments for the client🔗

Just like how our server will have a default listening address and port, our client will assume to connect to the default address. We just want to offer the user the option to connect to a different server.

We will provide the option for the server address in a flag --server-addr

The CLI code so far🔗

I’m going to break down the current main.rs into their structs, enums and functions to describe how StructOpt is utilized.

Skip down to the next section All together if you want to review this file in a single code block.

In parts🔗

// This is the main arguments structure that we'll parse from
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
#[structopt(name = "remotecli")]
struct ApplicationArguments {
   pub subcommand: SubCommand,

If we didn’t use flatten, then the user would need to use the CLI like this:

## No subcommand flattening

$ remotecli subcommand <subcommand> … 

But with the flattening we get a simplified form without the subcommand literal.

## With subcommand flattening

$ remotecli <subcommand> ...

The reason for this pattern is to allow grouping of the subcommands into a type that we can pattern match on, which is nice for the developer. But at the same time we keep the CLI hierarchy minimal for the user.

// These are the only valid values for our subcommands
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub enum SubCommand {
   /// Start the remote command gRPC server
   #[structopt(name = "server")]
   /// Send a remote command to the gRPC server
   #[structopt(setting = structopt::clap::AppSettings::TrailingVarArg)]

Without the attribute, the user would experience the subcommand transformed by default into the “kebab-case” form start-command. With the name defined on the StartServer field, we tell Rust that we want the user to use server instead.

(You can configure this behavior with the structopt(rename_all) attribute. I won’t be covering that. Read more about rename_all in the docs)

The second subcommand Run... you’ll have to forgive my 👋hand waving👋.

// These are the options used by the `server` subcommand
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub struct ServerOptions {
   /// The address of the server that will run commands.
   #[structopt(long, default_value = "")]
   pub server_listen_addr: String,
// These are the options used by the `run` subcommand
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub struct RemoteCommandOptions {
   /// The address of the server that will run commands.
   #[structopt(long = "server", default_value = "")]
   pub server_addr: String,
   /// The full command and arguments for the server to execute
   pub command: Vec<String>,

Our run subcommand has 2 possible arguments.

  1. The first, server_addr is an optional structopt(long) argument with a default value that aligns with the server default.
  2. The second command is a required positional argument. Notice how there is no structopt attribute. The resulting vector from the variable-length argument. The parser splits up spaces per word, and provides them in order within the Vec<String>. (Matched quotes are interpreted as a single word in our situation).
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   let args = ApplicationArguments::from_args();

   match args.subcommand {
       SubCommand::StartServer(opts) => {
           println!("Start the server on: {:?}", opts.server_listen_addr);
       SubCommand::Run(rc_opts) => {
           println!("Run command: '{:?}'", rc_opts.command);


Our main() is short and focused.

All together🔗


use structopt::StructOpt;

// These are the options used by the `server` subcommand
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub struct ServerOptions {
   /// The address of the server that will run commands.
   #[structopt(long, default_value = "")]
   pub server_listen_addr: String,

// These are the options used by the `run` subcommand
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub struct RemoteCommandOptions {
   /// The address of the server that will run commands.
   #[structopt(long = "server", default_value = "")]
   pub server_addr: String,
   /// The full command and arguments for the server to execute
   pub command: Vec<String>,

// These are the only valid values for our subcommands
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub enum SubCommand {
   /// Start the remote command gRPC server
   #[structopt(name = "server")]
   /// Send a remote command to the gRPC server
   #[structopt(setting = structopt::clap::AppSettings::TrailingVarArg)]

// This is the main arguments structure that we'll parse from
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
#[structopt(name = "remotecli")]
struct ApplicationArguments {
   pub subcommand: SubCommand,

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   let args = ApplicationArguments::from_args();

   match args.subcommand {
       SubCommand::StartServer(opts) => {
           println!("Start the server on: {:?}", opts.server_listen_addr);
       SubCommand::Run(rc_opts) => {
           println!("Run command: '{:?}'", rc_opts.command);


And that’s what we’ve done so far. This will be the full extent of the command line parsing functionality for this example, but we’ll revisit the main() function later.

If you’re following along, this code works with the cargo.toml provided at the top of this section. Play around using cargo.

For example try the following commands:

Protocol Buffers🔗

What are Protocol Buffers?🔗

Protocol Buffers (protobufs) are a way to define a data schema for how your data is structured as well as how to define how programs interface with each other w/ respect to your data in a language-independent manner.

This is achieved by writing your data in the protobuf format and compiling it into a supported language of your choice as implemented as gRPC.

The result of the compilation generates a lot of boilerplate code.

Not just data structures with the same shape and naming conventions for your language’s native data types. But also generates the gRPC network code for the client that sends or the server that receives these generated data structures.

For what it’s worth, an added bonus are servers and clients having the possibility to be implemented in different languages and inter-operate without issue due to. But we’re going to continue to work entirely in Rust for this example

Where should protobuf live in the codebase?🔗

Before jumping into the protobuf, I wanted to mention my practice for where to keep the file itself.

$ tree
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── proto
│   └── cli.proto
└── src
    └── main.rs

I like to keep the protobuf in a directory named proto typically at the same level as the Cargo.toml because as we’ll see soon, the build script will need to reference a path to the protobuf for compilation. The file name itself is arbitrary and naming things is hard so do your best to support your future self with meaningful names.

The example protobuf🔗


syntax = "proto3";

package remotecli;

// Command input
message CommandInput {
 string command = 1;
 repeated string args = 2;

// Command output
message CommandOutput {
 string output = 1;

// Service definition
service RemoteCLI {
 rpc Shell(CommandInput) returns (CommandOutput);

We start the file off by declaring the particular version of syntax we’re using. proto3.

(For more details, read more about Field numbers in the docs.)

Compile the protobuf into Rust code with Tonic🔗

Now that we have a protobuf, how do we use it in our Rust program when we need to use the generated code?

Well, we need to configure the build to compile the protobuf into Rust first.

The way we accomplish that is by using a build script (Surprise! Written in Rust) but is compiled and executed before the rest of the compilation occurs.

Cargo will run your build script if you have a file named build.rs in your project root.

$ tree
├── build.rs
├── Cargo.toml
├── proto
│   └── cli.proto
└── src
    └── main.rs


fn main() {

The build script is just a small Rust program with a main() function.

We’re using tonic_build to compile our proto into Rust. We’ll see more tonic soon for the rest of our gRPC journey.

But for now we only need to add this crate into our Cargo.toml as a build dependency.


name = "cli-grpc-tonic-blocking"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["T.J. Telan <t.telan@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018"

structopt = "0.3"

# protobuf->Rust compiler
tonic-build = "0.3.0"

Build dependencies are listed under its own section [build-dependencies]. If you didn’t know, your build scripts can only use crates listed in this section, and vice versa with the main package.

You can look at the resulting Rust code in your target directory when you cargo build.

You’ll have more than one directory with your package name plus extra generated characters due to build script output. So you may need to look through multiple directories.

$ tree target/debug/build/cli-grpc-tonic-blocking-aa0556a3d0cd89ff/
├── invoked.timestamp
├── out
│   └── remotecli.rs
├── output
├── root-output
└── stderr

I’ll leave the contents of the generated code to those following along, since there’s a lot of it and the relevant info is either from the proto or will be covered in the server and client implementation.

This code will only generate once. Or unless you make changes to build.rs. So if you make changes to your proto and you want to regenerate code, you can force a code regen by using touch.

$ touch build.rs
$ cargo build


Moving onto writing our server now that we can use the protobuf generated code. We’re going to write the server (and client) in a new module.

$ tree
├── build.rs
├── Cargo.toml
├── proto
│   └── cli.proto
└── src
    ├── main.rs
    └── remotecli
        ├── mod.rs
        └── server.rs


name = "cli-grpc-tonic-blocking"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["T.J. Telan <t.telan@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018"

# gRPC server/client
tonic = "0.3.0"
prost = "0.6"
structopt = "0.3"
# Async runtime
tokio = { version = "0.2", features = ["full"] }

# protobuf->Rust compiler
tonic-build = "0.3.0"

This is the last change we’ll be making to Cargo.toml.

We’re adding in tonic and prost as we implement the gRPC server/client. Prost is the implementation of protocol buffers in Rust, and is needed to compile the generated code when we include it into the rest of the package.

Tokio is the async runtime we’re using. The gRPC server/client are async and we will need to adjust our main() to communicate more in the code that we’re now calling async functions..


pub mod server;

To keep the implementations organized, we’ll separate the server and client code further into their own modules. Starting with the server.


Similar to the frontend CLI walkthrough, I’ll break this file up into pieces and review them.

At the bottom of this file’s section I’ll have the complete file there for copy/paste purposes.


use tonic::{transport::Server, Request, Response, Status};

// Import the generated rust code into module
pub mod remotecli_proto {

// Proto generated server traits
use remotecli_proto::remote_cli_server::{RemoteCli, RemoteCliServer};

// Proto message structs
use remotecli_proto::{CommandInput, CommandOutput};

// For the server listening address
use crate::ServerOptions;

// For executing commands
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};

At last, we import from std::process. Command and Stdio - for executing commands and capturing output.

RemoteCli Trait implementation🔗

pub struct Cli {}

impl RemoteCli for Cli {
   async fn shell(
       request: Request<CommandInput>,
   ) -> Result<Response<CommandOutput>, Status> {
       let req_command = request.into_inner();
       let command = req_command.command;
       let args = req_command.args;

       println!("Running command: {:?} - args: {:?}", &command, &args);

       let process = Command::new(command)
           .expect("failed to execute child process");

       let output = process
           .expect("failed to wait on child process");
       let output = output.stdout;

       Ok(Response::new(CommandOutput {
           output: String::from_utf8(output).unwrap(),


pub async fn start_server(opts: ServerOptions) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   let addr = opts.server_listen_addr.parse().unwrap();
   let cli_server = Cli::default();

   println!("RemoteCliServer listening on {}", addr);



main.rs - so far🔗

We are making small changes to main.rs to plug in the server module.

pub mod remotecli;

use structopt::StructOpt;

// These are the options used by the `server` subcommand
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub struct ServerOptions {
   /// The address of the server that will run commands.
   #[structopt(long, default_value = "")]
   pub server_listen_addr: String,

// These are the options used by the `run` subcommand
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub struct RemoteCommandOptions {
   /// The address of the server that will run commands.
   #[structopt(long = "server", default_value = "")]
   pub server_addr: String,
   /// The full command and arguments for the server to execute
   pub command: Vec<String>,

// These are the only valid values for our subcommands
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub enum SubCommand {
   /// Start the remote command gRPC server
   #[structopt(name = "server")]
   /// Send a remote command to the gRPC server
   #[structopt(setting = structopt::clap::AppSettings::TrailingVarArg)]

// This is the main arguments structure that we'll parse from
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
#[structopt(name = "remotecli")]
struct ApplicationArguments {
   pub subcommand: SubCommand,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   let args = ApplicationArguments::from_args();

   match args.subcommand {
       SubCommand::StartServer(opts) => {
           println!("Start the server on: {:?}", opts.server_listen_addr);
       SubCommand::Run(rc_opts) => {
           println!("Run command: '{:?}'", rc_opts.command);



remotecli/server.rs all together🔗

Here’s the final form of the server module.

use tonic::{transport::Server, Request, Response, Status};

// Import the generated rust code into module
pub mod remotecli_proto {

// Proto generated server traits
use remotecli_proto::remote_cli_server::{RemoteCli, RemoteCliServer};

// Proto message structs
use remotecli_proto::{CommandInput, CommandOutput};

// For the server listening address
use crate::ServerOptions;

// For executing commands
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};

pub struct Cli {}

impl RemoteCli for Cli {
   async fn shell(
       request: Request<CommandInput>,
   ) -> Result<Response<CommandOutput>, Status> {
       let req_command = request.into_inner();
       let command = req_command.command;
       let args = req_command.args;

       println!("Running command: {:?} - args: {:?}", &command, &args);

       let process = Command::new(command)
           .expect("failed to execute child process");

       let output = process
           .expect("failed to wait on child process");
       let output = output.stdout;

       Ok(Response::new(CommandOutput {
           output: String::from_utf8(output).unwrap(),

pub async fn start_server(opts: ServerOptions) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   let addr = opts.server_listen_addr.parse().unwrap();
   let cli_server = Cli::default();

   println!("RemoteCliServer listening on {}", addr);



And that’s the server implementation and the frontend code for starting the server. It is a surprisingly small amount of code.

You can start an instance of the server by running:

$ cargo run -- server
Start the server on: ""
RemoteCliServer listening on


We’re in the homestretch. Implementing a client. We’re going to create a new module within remotecli called client.rs that will follow the same patterns as we established for the server.

$ tree
├── build.rs
├── Cargo.toml
├── proto
│   └── cli.proto
└── src
    ├── main.rs
    └── remotecli
      	├── client.rs
        ├── mod.rs
        └── server.rs


pub mod client;
pub mod server;

We’re declaring the client module within mod.rs


Our client is a lot more straightforward. But splitting the module up into pieces for description purposes.

Again, full file is at the end of the section


pub mod remotecli_proto {

// Proto generated client
use remotecli_proto::remote_cli_client::RemoteCliClient;

// Proto message structs
use remotecli_proto::CommandInput;

use crate::RemoteCommandOptions;


pub async fn client_run(rc_opts: RemoteCommandOptions) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   // Connect to server
   // Use server addr if given, otherwise use default
   let mut client = RemoteCliClient::connect(rc_opts.server_addr).await?;

   let request = tonic::Request::new(CommandInput {
       command: rc_opts.command[0].clone().into(),
       args: rc_opts.command[1..].to_vec(),

   let response = client.shell(request).await?;

   println!("RESPONSE={:?}", response);



This is the final form of main.rs. The last thing we do to main.rs is plug in our client_run() function.

pub mod remotecli;

use structopt::StructOpt;

// These are the options used by the `server` subcommand
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub struct ServerOptions {
   /// The address of the server that will run commands.
   #[structopt(long, default_value = "")]
   pub server_listen_addr: String,

// These are the options used by the `run` subcommand
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub struct RemoteCommandOptions {
   /// The address of the server that will run commands.
   #[structopt(long = "server", default_value = "")]
   pub server_addr: String,
   /// The full command and arguments for the server to execute
   pub command: Vec<String>,

// These are the only valid values for our subcommands
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
pub enum SubCommand {
   /// Start the remote command gRPC server
   #[structopt(name = "server")]
   /// Send a remote command to the gRPC server
   #[structopt(setting = structopt::clap::AppSettings::TrailingVarArg)]

// This is the main arguments structure that we'll parse from
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
#[structopt(name = "remotecli")]
struct ApplicationArguments {
   pub subcommand: SubCommand,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   let args = ApplicationArguments::from_args();

   match args.subcommand {
       SubCommand::StartServer(opts) => {
           println!("Start the server on: {:?}", opts.server_listen_addr);
       SubCommand::Run(rc_opts) => {
           println!("Run command: '{:?}'", rc_opts.command);


remotecli/client.rs all together🔗

pub mod remotecli_proto {

// Proto generated client
use remotecli_proto::remote_cli_client::RemoteCliClient;

// Proto message structs
use remotecli_proto::CommandInput;

use crate::RemoteCommandOptions;

pub async fn client_run(rc_opts: RemoteCommandOptions) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   // Connect to server
   // Use server addr if given, otherwise use default
   let mut client = RemoteCliClient::connect(rc_opts.server_addr).await?;

   let request = tonic::Request::new(CommandInput {
       command: rc_opts.command[0].clone().into(),
       args: rc_opts.command[1..].to_vec(),

   let response = client.shell(request).await?;

   println!("RESPONSE={:?}", response);


Final demonstration🔗

To see this server-client end-to-end, we'll need two terminal windows open. In one, run the server, and in the other we'll run a simple ls command.


$ cargo run -- server
Start the server on: ""
RemoteCliServer listening on


$ cargo run -- run ls


Run command: '["ls"]'
RESPONSE=Response { metadata: MetadataMap { headers: {"content-type": "application/grpc", "date": "Wed, 19 Aug 2020 00:00:25 GMT", "grpc-status": "0"} }, message: CommandOutput { output: "build.rs\nCargo.toml\nproto\nsrc\n" } }

As we see, there is still work left to do in order to format the output in a more human readable way. But that is an exercise left to the reader.


We just walked through building a CLI application that parses user input and uses gRPC to send a command from a gRPC client to the server for execution and return of command output.

Based on how we structured the frontend CLI using StructOpt, we allowed both the client and server to compile into a single binary.

Protocol buffers (or protobufs) were used to define the interfaces of the server and the data structures that were used. The Tonic and Prost crates and Cargo build scripts were used to compile the protobufs into native async Rust code.

Tokio was our async runtime. We experienced how little code was necessary to support async/await patterns.

Thanks for joining me as I stepped through the details. I hope that this walkthrough satisfies some curiosity about using gRPC for your backend code. As well as piqued your interest in writing some Rust code.